Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Multimedia message
Multimedia message
Boarding the plane... Good bye peeps... @josefromthe925
Multimedia message
Multimedia message

Monday, June 15, 2009

Eating a samich at a café in SFO
Multimedia message
Multimedia message
At SFO right now.
At SFO right now.
6 minutes away from SFO
On the 101 right now
Passing thru Lafayette...
In Walnut Creek...
Driving thru Concord right now.
Leaving for SF right now.
If this works txt my cell
Getting ready to leave. If you need to contact me, feel free to do so via MySpace, Facebook or Twitter.
Much love for every1 later. Jose....
Leaving for the airport in 37 minutes
here is the link to our new video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjMmDlxKsvw
The video is being processed as we speak.
uploading our new video right now
Getting ready for my trip, listening to Fix You by @coldplay
saying my good byes will be rough
Here it is enjoy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cr8wJCl9vKI
Time to plug my latest video give me a minute for the link
I'm enjoying my last day here in the U.S.
At around 7pm I'm headed to SFO
Talking Togo's, El Salvador, and Soccer with my friends right now.
Random thought of the day: It's bad when a chick looks like a dude.
I told you that was random.
In 24 hours I'll be saying my good byes to everyone...
24 hours from now............. I'll be boarding the plane....
A quote from my friend Tim " is wonderin y everybody loves raymond (the white guy) and everybody hates chris(the black guy)???????? LOL"
24 hours from now, I'll be in a place far far away...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

So tired right now I have a busy day tomorrow... Night people @josefromthe925
question of the night. How many of my MySpace friends have Facebook?
I swear to if I hear "Birthday Sex" "You're a Jerk" and "Boom Boom Pow" I'm going to fucking punch a baby in the face. I hate those songs.
My bad try the link again http://ping.fm/1lCHv
At the mansion checking on my @MySpace, @Facebook, @twitter, and @youtube
Have you seen our latest video?
If not here is the link http://ping.fm/z34Ow
Watching a movie right now... That was made by a couple of kids.
Chilling right now...
At a bbq right now.
Logging off. If you haven't seen the video of my dancing here is the link to watch it. Later peeps, @josefromthe925 http://ping.fm/acKbA
The video of me @josefromthe925 dancing is up here is the link check it out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cr8wJCl9vKI
the video is up heres the link ---> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cr8wJCl9vKI
the video of me dancing will be up soon please wait
Uploading the video on @youtube right now.
Making the video right now.
Making a video for yesterdays Quince
Making a video right now
Good morning everybody

Saturday, June 13, 2009

I had hella fun today. Now off to my bed to catch some z's.... @josefromthe925
Yes people........ I dance.... It was hella fun though. Now i'm just fucking exhausted.... 'Til then later people @josefromthe925
Yeah @josefromthe925 here so far the quince is hella fun. Lets hope that nothing bad happens now later.....
This is AnaCobian & Josefromthe925 wanted me to update his shit because he's at a quinceañera. Mhm. Later. I'll update in a couple of hours.
RT: @carlyluvsunited: Life's a bitch, 'cause if it was a slut, it'd be easy.(Speak the truth carly)
RT: @carlyluvsunited: Oh, and never fight with an ugly person....................................they have nothing to lose ;-)

Friday, June 12, 2009

If you are wondering why I'll be so busy, I'm gonna be part of a Quince (I know lucky me!) It's gonna be hella fun. I'm taping it FYI
If you are wondering why I'll be so fucking busy, I'm gonna be part of a Quince (I know lucky me!) Yeah it's gonna be hella fun.
I'm going to be hella busy tomorrow. I probably won't be able to update anything until sunday.
I finally have my username for facebook
if you have a facebook search for josefromthe925 add me por favor
Seven minutes for me to get a user name for Facebook. I'm actually excited.
Nippulus Erectus @Ravels?
RT: @carlyluvsunited: Why do Americans choose from just two people to run for president and 50 for Miss America?
At JCPenny right now buying some stuff for tomorrow.
Now I'm waiting in a church parking lot for everyone else and while I'm doing that I'm listening to Yes / Chinese Sleep Chant by @coldplay
Now I'm waiting in a church parking lot for everyone else and while I'm doing that I'm listening to Lovers In Japan by @coldplay
Now I'm waiting in the parking lot for everyone else and while I'm doing that I'm listening to Lovers In Japan by @coldplay
Now I'm waiting in the parking lot for everyone else.
watching @cnn online right now.
check out my twitter while it's still here http://twitter.com/josefromthe925
the Twitpocalypse is approaching...
holy shit twitter is going to die due to the Twitpocalypse
Picking up my tux.
just got my haircut, now i'm gonna go pick up my tuxedo. Then after that I have practice for the mass for the quince. Busy day today
You know its bad when you hear one of your favorite songs at a Tj-Maxx.
About to get a haircut right now.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I'm thinking of some great ideas for blackneckturtleheads right now. Maybe we'll have a Retro video...
I'm thinking of some great ideas for blackneckturtleheads right now.
Anyone remember any other good shows?
More shows Cousin Skeeter, All That, Little Bear, Doug, Double Dare, Kablam, and Power Rangers. All these shows ruled.
Anyone remember these shows? Supermarket Sweep, Gallah Gallah Island, The Amanda Show, Hey Arnold, and Kenan & Kel? Those shows kicked ass!
Watching Supermarket Sweep right now.
Watching some old ass videos on @YouTube
Whatever happened to Amanda Bynes?
Watching @andersoncooper on @cnn right now.
Playing some games right now.
To the random texter. Just say who you are.
uploading todays footage, so hopefully by 10 the video will be up
I'm I the only one who thinks that MySpace is old? (Question is directed to my Facebook & Twitter friends)
I'm listening to Panic Switch by Silversun Pickups.
Doing some business in West Antioch right now.
Todays last day wasn't as climatic as last years...
Todays last day wasn't as climatic as last years... I wonder why...
I hate saying good byes...
Half the day is almost over.
It's the last day of school!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Damn i'm listening to some shitty music right now AKA Rap.
Tomorrow I'll be filming for a last day of school video. Hopefully it will be cut and edited up by Friday...
Holy shit I just realized i'm gonna be a senior.
Still awake with nothing to do at the mansion. Tomorrow is the last day of school woo hoo!
Just finished watching The 2009 Apple WWDC Keynote address on my ipod. Holy shit that was long.
School is almost over thank buddha!
Thank god Mexico won
Watching the Mexico vs. Trinidad & Tobago game, so far El Tri is winning 2-1
Goool! de Mexico!
Golazoo de Mexico!
looking for ideas for a video today
I can't wait to actually have a screen name for Facebook
Watching the New York vs. Boston game on @espn
On my way back home. #josefromthe925
I'm in chemistry listening to some @thewoodyshow podcasts. #josefromthe925
@606ItsYourTweet about the England game?
Holy crap I just realized how fucking boring Jurassic Park is. #josefromthe925
@glorymanunited 6-0? Holy shit, who are they playing against?
Hella bored DM me to talk about anything.
At school in art class.
@xtweeker9 haha you're right my life is complete.
Good morning everybody... One more day of school!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I just want to know if she ever loved me... Maybe she did or maybe she didn't...
I was talking to this girl today and she said that her new nickname for me is "Bodyguard". Really? Either way I'll still call her "Pickle".
Chillin at my mansion, drinking a Slurpee, listening to Clocks by @coldplay. Its a good day.
So tired from dance practice (no homo). At least school is almost over.
Still at dance practice (no homo)
@thewoodyshow I can't wait for the news!
About to head for dance practice right now (no homo)
Watching PTI on @espn right now.
I have dance practice today woo hoo! (said in sarcastic tone)
I have dance practice today woo hoo!
The end is near...
RT: @thewoodyshow: Good things come to those who wait....like heart attacks, strokes, and paralyzing anxiety.
Watching Twilight (mega no homo)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Tomorrow we'll be filming the random clip of the week. It might involve some Chuck Norris jokes... Watch our new video Clip of the month!
Last week of school woo hoo!
RT: @carlyluvsunited: Women, u can't live with them & you can't bury them in the back yard without the neighbours seeing you.
There is a god! the new iphone is gonna kick so much ass!
About to eat some chicken sandwiches.
I cannot fucking wait for the new iphone!
Good morning everybody.
One more week...
Just woke up, now I'm getting ready for todays finals.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

About to listen to the album X & Y by @coldplay right now.
How I miss her...
Hella sleepy right now...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pawGWWkqXh4 <------ Watch our new video please!
The video is gonna be short but hella funny
Working on the new video right now.
Listening to The @NBA finals on @espn radio right now. I'm also working on the video of the week.
About to head home.
At dance practice (no homo)
At Ross buying some stuff.
Just woke up, decided to do some laundry.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

I saw The Hangover today it was hella funny Two thumbs way up!
You should see it now!
You won't regret it.
What up peeps?
What's new with you?
testing ping.fm
It feels like a Sunday today...
Golazzzo De MEXICO!!!!!!
I'm watching the Mexico vs. El Salvador game right now.
About to watch the USA game against Honduras on @espn
Just saw The Hangover funniest movie ever!
Just finished with Saturday school. It FUCKING SUCKED! The worst experience I ever had. Thanks Kyle, David, and Daniel. Fuck you guys...
Two fucking hours in Saturday school. It sucks! Now I have like an hour and fifty minutes left woo hoo!
Headed to Saturday school.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Yes... I do have an older brother. It'll be good to see him before I go.
Well at least my weekend will be fun, my brother is coming to visit. I haven't seen him in months.
Fuck I have Saturday school, fuck you guys for getting me in trouble you know who you are...
Yeah I'm still in Concord doing some business for blackneckturtleheads. We'll probably make another video this weekend hopefully....
Watching Crocodile Dundee right now. I have Saturday school thanks to a couple of my friends Kyle, David, and Daniel... Fuck you guys
RT: carlyluvsunited: Jesus saves.....................but Wayne Rooney nets the rebound ;-)
Watching The Phone right now.
In Concord right now, about to eat some sopitos.
Listening to Lovers In Japan, driving on Highway 4 on my way to Concord.
Damn what will the world do without twitter for an hour? Follow me ----> http://twitter.com/josefromthe925
Working... What are you doing this weekend? I got Saturday School it's gonna fucking suck.
Doing some stuff for blackneckturtleheads then i'm off to Concord to do some issh.
Taking my english final right now.
Listening to Yes / Chinese Sleep Chant by @coldplay right now.
Good morning everybody.
Waking up...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Lola is staying at the mansion just FYI. She just moved from New York all the way here in the Bay Area for work. She is very dedicated...
Lola is also single, no she doesn't a MySpace or a Facebook. She loves to watch Telemundo and Soccer. Expect her in our next video!
For those of you who want to know more about Lola here's some facts about her. She's from Puerto Rico, 22 and, she's hilarious too.
We just hired our newest member of BlackNeckTurtleHeads, Lola she's our new Secretary/Phone Screener. Be prepared for her to be in videos...
We just hired our newest member of BlackNeckTurtleHeads, Lola she's our new Secretary/Phone Screener. By prepared for her to be in videos...
My neighbors are really fucking annoying me right now.
Fuck I have Saturday school this weekend,
thanks Kyle, David and, Dickson...
I'm thinking of putting a No Solicitors sign on my door, because i'm tired of religious people asking me "are you going to hell?" Yes I am.
About to listen to the @NBA Finals right now on @espn radio
Now I'm done with my web design final. I have 90 minutes to play games woo hoo!
Taking my Web Design final right now.
Question of the day. Where's the worst place to get your first BJ? I'm thinking when you're driving on a major highway, Accidents happen...
Done with my history final, now i'm waiting for the class to end.
While i'm waiting for my ride, i'm listening to The Scientist by @coldplay
Logging off later peeps
Today I have my History and Web Design Finals wish me luck
carlyluvsunited: Do you have time to RT this to help save Cristina Corduneanu's life ~ http://bit.ly/Q9y9b #cristinacorduneanu

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Hella tired right now... Finals tomorrow woo hoo!
Mexico in 12 days...
About to go walk my dog. Later.
For the kid in you watch this you'll thank me later ----> http://ping.fm/SgzDQ it has something to do with woody and buzz...
I'm not in a good mood right now.
Taking my chemistry final wish me luck.
Am I the only one to notice that all the hot girls always have douchebag boyfriends?
2009 has not been a good year...
So much can happen in a year...
Listening to MC Lars right now.
Listening to Karma Police by Radiohead right now.
No 1st period today thank god...
Damn I have Finals this week...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

There's gonna be hella bitches at the quince that i'm going to in two weeks. Hell yeah!
There's gonna be hella bitches at the quince that i'm going to. Hell yeah!
Question of the night. Have you ever searched for one of your teachers MySpace? I did and with hilarious results.
Haha @Ravels yeah paul blart sucked big time.
If you have any ideas for BlackNeckTurtleHeads send them to me, we need all the help we can get. Thanks, @josefromthe925
I've been trying to talk to you... But I can't... So many things are in my way... I'm sorry...
I've been trying to talk to you...
I got so many ideas for videos. They'll probably be filmed over in Mexico... I can't wait to escape from everything....
So tired of all the bullshit around me.
Racist story of the day. I was in a starbucks and three black people walk in and the lady working there said, "do you just want water?" wow.
Still @ dance practice (no homo)
Still @ dance practice (no homo)
At dance practice (no homo)
Just got back from school, now I got dance practice in 30 minutes (no homo)
"Won't you talk to me?" From the Alternative Version of Talk by @coldplay
I think i'm fucking losing it...
Listening to the alternative version of "Talk" by @coldplay right now. It's really good.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Listening to the alternative version of "Talk" by @coldplay right now.
So much can happen in a year...
Listening to Cemeteries of London by @coldplay right now.
42 is following me everywhere...