Thursday, December 31, 2009

Watching Friday (damn this movie fucking rules!)
Requests anyone?
Playing your favorites songs right now on @bnthradio Request a song by tweeting!
Brazil (2nd Edit) by @deadmau5 is fucking awesome!
What will be your #lasttweetof2009
#2010wish to have 2000 followers.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I'm not mad that you believe in god, but you are angry that I dont? How does that work?
Listening to the @edgefm
Listening to some @deadmau5 (lovin' this shit!)
#nowplaying Death and All His Friends by @coldplay
RT @Soccernet: ESPN Soccer Net News Man Utd 5-0 Wigan: United romp past Latics
Video games have a pause button, Life doesn't. Live everyday to the fullest.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Just read some Sherlock Holmes and now I'm tired night folks!
Logging off, text or call me. Don't have the #? It's on my Facebook page.
RT @xVisexOMC I think it's pretty gay for guys to obsess over shoes. And for girls, it's just pathetic. Materialism= a lack of sense of self
RT @jaylatt @josefromthe925 Tequila is my favorite Mexican export...we'll it's at least my favorite legal export.
Testing out one of two new webcams for @bnthradio Check it out!

Monday, December 28, 2009

#MusicMonday Gimme Sympathy by @Metric (One of my favorites!)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Everytime I go to a @starbucks I always give them a fake name. Try it out its fun

Saturday, December 26, 2009

I told my dad that when he dies I want his ashes made into play-doh, so that my kids will be able to play with grandpa all of the time.
LA Tweeps Are there any other alternative rock stations beside KROQ?
On my way back to the Bay Area
I walked so much yesterday, that my feet feel like they are broken. Oh well, at least i'm headed home today.
Morning everyone

Friday, December 25, 2009

Fireworks at disneyland = awesome!
Waiting forever at the haunted mansion
About to go on The Haunted Mansion
Space Mountain was the shit!
@igog_1 its gonna be my first time on it
@igog_1 its gonna be my first time on it
About to ride Space Mountain!
Finally got inside Disneyland!
Going to Disneyland!
Good morning everyone, how are you on this Christmas morning?

Thursday, December 24, 2009

To those who read this message, I wish you a Merry Christmas
All I want for Christmas is to be happy.
Eating tamales tonight :-)
Bugs Bunny or Mickey Mouse, who would win in a fight?
"Getting lost is the only way to learn where you're going" Ruben Cobian

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tired. Night everyone.
@igog_1 :-)
@igog_1 @coldplay rules
@igog_1 i can listen to their songs 24/7 and never get tired of them
Listening to Death and All His Friends by @coldplay
If people didn't slow down to look at some accident, traffic wouldn't exist.
Listening to some Matisyahu on KROQ
The traffic here is the absolute worse!
@igog_1 thats how all moms are unfortunatly
@igog_1 too young? Aren't you 14 tho?
Hanging out at a McDonalds in the 323
@igog_1 why not?
@igog_1 i'm staying until sunday morning
@igog_1 thats cool maybe we could meet up someplace
@igog_1 is that anywhere near where you live?
@igog_1 really? I'm staying with my family in whittier.
@igog_1 awesome thanks! I'm hella hungry right now and mexican food sounds sooo good!
@igog_1 how good is it and what do you recommend to eat?
LA tweeps help me out! Whats the best place to eat some tacos? DM Your answers.
Talking to one of the employees at the zoo and had a great conversation about apes, madagascar
and about stupid teachers. Thanks Kori!
At the LA Zoo
Headed to the LA Zoo
RT @igog_1: We knew 2009 was gonna be the weirdest year we lived starting in January when Bush gave his Farewell and Obama got inaugurated.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Just drove by a 99 cent store next to a Best Buy, classy!
Driving through East LA.
Since I'm down here can any of my so-cal tweeps recommend any good radio stations? DM me your ideas, thanks.
Since I'm down here can any of my so-cal tweeps recommend any good radio stations? DM me your ideas.
In Southern California...
On my way to LA
Getting my haircut
Everytime I go to church I always get itchy. Maybe I'm just allergic to bullshit...

Monday, December 21, 2009

Read a book, it opens worlds.
RT @igog_1: RT @RevRunWisdom: Any relationship primarily built on physical attractiveness is predestined to be short lived - Ziglar
Going to Los Angeles tomorrow.
#musicmonday You're Going Down by Sick Puppies
Avatar, The story is absolutely incredible, from the beginning nothing but action and the special effects were awesome. A must see in 3D!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

You are your own god, you have the power to change the world.
Avatar was the shit!
Avatar in 3d should be hella good!
About to go watch Avatar, it better kick some ass!
No I don't want a battle from beginning to end
I don't want a cycle of recycled revenge
I don't want to follow death and all of his friends
Can't wait for Christmas.
#titlesthatcanbeporn Deep Impact
Something my dad is working on.
Watching football right now.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

RT @cachettes: @war1057 ur also the dude that saw SEX IN THE CITY BY YOURSELF! YOU SAID THAT WAS AN AWESOME MOVIE!
The amount of drama in my family never runs out.
@igog_1 same here im just enjoying it as well
@igog_1 so whats new with you?
@igog_1 same here, i'm happy that i was born a mexican
@igog_1 can you imagine being another race?
@igog_1 its good to be mexican
@igog_1 i'm having tamales later so high 5!
@igog_1 holla! Damn it now you made me want some
@igog_1 what kind of frijoles are you eating?
RT @igog_1: In honor of @josefromthe925, i am tweeting about me eating frijoles. Yes, I am eating frijoles. (thanks i am honored)
If the Saints are to go undefeated and win the super bowl. I will be hearing "Who Dat!?" all year long.
On AIM right now, add me as a contact josefromthe925
@igog_1 so you like talking about caca?
Yesterday I saw a bumper sticker that said "yes my tits are real, so is my penis"
Man I am loving the samsung impression, its great for texting and tweeting!
Good morning everybody.

Friday, December 18, 2009

@igog_1 and thank god that its done!
@igog_1 i take it you had a good day?
@igog_1 yeah just a bit
My new phone has made my weekend and it's friday.
@igog_1 it shows
@igog_1 haha just fine, how about you?
Lets talk.
@igog_1 de nada
Follow Friday @bnthradio @imanacobian @taliahowland @jaylatt @war1057 @igog_1 @megatanner @coldplay @channel923
Listening to 42 by @coldplay
Going to Los Angeles this monday.
If you can read this that means my phone is working. Please text it because its been awhile.
Mexican version of the Jonas Brothers: The Cholos Brothers.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

RT @RevRunWisdom You'll have peace on the outside,, when u make peace with urself
On twitter sometimes you're talking to yourself and sometimes you're talking to thousands...
I am a neutral man living in a un-neutral world.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Been watching MythBusters for three straight hours.
Getting a new phone on friday holla!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My school is retarded, imagine going to the Special Olympics that's how my school is. Not kidding. I feel like Einstein everyday I go there.
I hope there's a Mac store in hell. (via @rainnwilson)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Our history defines us, our future determines how we will be remembered.
#musicmonday Beautiful Day by U2
Can't wait to get a new phone.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

"I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all."
Watching the Cruz Azul vs. Monterrey game right now.
Last night my sister @imanacobian used our church's wi-fi and it needed a password, guess what it was, Jesus.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

RT @igog_1 @josefromthe925 you won't get anywhere without honesty!
RT @edgefm #ifsantawasblack Fuck that.... #ifTigerWoodswasblack The bitch ass main stream media would be more PC and protect his stankin ass
Watching the Manchester United vs. Aston Villa game. #mufc

Friday, December 11, 2009

When I get bored I start to think "What would Adam West do?"
#ifsantawasblack all of our presents would come from wal-mart
Filming a documentary... Can't wait to start.
Conversations I've had with people: Me "hey man what's up?" Person "the sky!" Makes me want to punch him every-time he said that.
Conversations I've had with people: Person "Hey Jose" Me "yeah?" Person "You know you have a face for radio." Me "thanks... i guess"
Follow Friday @bnthradio @imanacobian @taliahowland @igog_1 @elikalove @Ashwin437 @TonyP1057 @ItsHudaBitch @megatanner @channel923

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wants to wait outside of a home depot to see if someone wants to hire me for some "trabajo"
The 11th Commandment: Thou shall not watch Jersey Shore on MTV. (via @Bookgirl96)
Needs a smart phone. Any recommendations?
All women have a D.U.F.F. Designated Ugly Fat Friend Ladies please don't deny this fact.
I cook, clean, and I can mow your lawn. All skills that Mexicans are born with.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The earth does not belong to us, We belong to the earth. (via @igog_1) follow her, she's smart and funny Had an argument with the baddest motherfucker ever SUPERBAD1999 watch the hate
Yes its true i am live and playing some music watch if you are bored come watch me!
Conversations I had with people: Person "You speak Spanish?" Me "umm yeah no shit my name is Jose"
I'm gonna be honest, we play the best music on the radio.  consider my horn tooted. (via @Channel923)
MythBusters has to be one of my favorite shows ever.
Conversations I had wih people: Person "I'm italian!" me "Thats cool, can you speak any italian?" person " umm no"
Listening to the @war1057 podcast

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

When i went to go pick up my sister from school today, there was this shady guy selling cotton candy at the corner. He looked like a creeper this video is hilarious
Question of the day: Do you have a song that inspires you to go out and make a difference?
Playing Grand Theft Auto relaxes me, is that wrong?

Monday, December 7, 2009

Be a good person, don't let the negative take over your life and continue to be the best that you are. I hope this helps someone.
This weekend I found out that i can impersonate Al Pacino's voice, so if you want Scarface on your voice mail just ask me.
Something that I want to do: Meet all of my followers on twitter, because I think it will be a pleasure to meet them.
If the Jonas Brothers are a legitimate band then NASCAR is a sport. There you go I just offended two groups of people wah!
U2 - I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight #MusicMonday
I got 21 Google Wave invites! Who wants them? Send me a message and you got one. It's an early Christmas present from me to you.
So the Mexican President is following me on Twitter. Yeah i'm that cool...

Sunday, December 6, 2009

oh my fucking god! The @raiders beat the steelers!
I want a world with wi-fi everywhere.
Can't wait for winter break to start.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

"Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field" from the song Viva la Vida by @coldplay
I finally understand what Viva la Vida by @coldplay actually means.
I haven't used my phone in 4 days. It's time for me to get a new one.
I understand why back then when chicks were crazy for Elvis that's because his music was good. Now with Justin Bieber i just don't get it...

Friday, December 4, 2009

Logging off for the night.
Follow Friday @bnthradio @imanacobian @Ashwin437 @war1057 @taliahowland @megatanner @cachettes @igog_1 @channel923
Everyone should watch @megatanner on @justintv like right now!
So Mexico will play the first game of the world cup against South Africa, oh boy its gonna be good.
The World Cup draw is finally here!
The World Cup draw is in 13 minutes and I can't wait to see who Mexico plays in South Africa next year.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

What's up everyone? Let's talk, tweet, or text.
Co hosting with @Ashwin437 check it out!
Listening to @megatanner on @channel923
Just need 2 more followers for 1000! Tweeps can you help me out?!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Logging off. If you want to talk to me just text or call me. Don't have the number email or msg me on any social network. Good nite folks
"To see what it feels like now
But I have no doubt
One day the sun will come out" Lovers in Japan (Osaka Sun Mix) by @coldplay
Can't wait for Friday's World Cup Draw, I hope Mexico gets a good group to play in.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

"You show us everything you've got
You keep on dancin' and the room gets hot
You drive us wild, we'll drive you crazy" by @kissofficial
RT @omgfacts 1 out of every 4 Americans living with HIV doesn't know it. #omgfacts
Everyday that I go to school and walk down the hallways it becomes more and more clear to me, I hate people. People suck. They are the worst
Watching some Spanish news from China.
RT @coldplay: 10% of the world's population is in Africa, yet 67% of all HIV cases are there. Get involved #red follow @joinred
RT @aplusk WORLD AIDS DAY - 10% of world population is in Africa. 67% of all HIV cases are there. Get involved. #red

Monday, November 30, 2009

My sister @imanacobian with food is like peanut and jelly. It just goes together
Co-hosting with my friend @Ashwin437 check it out he plays some good music.
#MusicMonday City of Blinding Lights by U2

Sunday, November 29, 2009

My current phone has been acting up on me so if i don't return your calls or texts, its because its dead. Can't wait for the iphone though
Might get an iphone next month. Can't wait! This song rules.
RT @OMGFacts More people are killed by donkeys annually than are killed in plane crashes. #omgfacts
Been listening to You Only Live Twice by @coldplay a lot and now its one of my favorites.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

RT @jaylatt Watching The Hills is like watching the Spanish speaking station. Only catch half of what they are saying and the girls are hot.
OH MY FUCKING GOD I LOVE GHETTO TWEETS! (via @MikeOTheAirport) They are fucking hilarious!
"The more you see the less you know
The less you find out as you go
I knew much more then, than I do now"
City of Blinding Lights by U2
I think world peace could be achieved only if everyone minded their own damn business.
Now Playing: Sweet Disposition by @thetempertrap
@cachettes to answer your FMK Fuck Amy Winehouse because i could, Marry Susan Boyle because she's rich, and Kill Lady Gaga because she sucks

Friday, November 27, 2009

Yesterday was the best day to eat tons and tons of turkey and to insult PETA at the same time. Could it get better?
Getting paid is one of the best feelings in the world.
Blasting some Beastie Boys right now. Holla!
In 24 hours I will be in the land of pricks, assholes and douche-bags, A.K.A. Los Angeles, California.
I'm feeling generous right now, who wants a Google Wave invite?

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Sleepy, but bored. Let's talk.
Playing that Modern Warfare 2
Playing that Modern Warfare 2
I had no food until right now. Turkey time mofos! Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Watching @sportscenter and relaxing on the la-z-boy
What kind of music do you listen to?
Just noticed that I have some hella hot girls following me. Ladies, thank you very much!
Chillin at the mansion, let's talk.
Working on playlists for @bnthradio. Now Playing: Moses by @coldplay
4 invites left! Do you want one? Send me a message if you do.
4 more left! You know you want Google Wave!
6 invites left! Anyone else want one?
Who wants Google Wave? I've got 8 invites to hand out. Send me a message with your email if you want it.
As a fluffy guy, tomorrow is my day to eat like a pig and get away with it.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hit me up on Skype and AIM josefromthe925
Now Playing: Demon Days by Gorillaz
What up peeps?
Watching 2012 right now.
#classicmoviequotes "Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine." Casablanca
Highlight of my day yesterday was finally getting a Google Wave invite.

Monday, November 23, 2009

In some parking lot in Concord. Let's tweet.
Let's talk.
I finally have Google Wave thanks @PragueBob for the invite!
Looking at Best Buy's Black Friday ad. Holy crap i cannot wait for friday!
Anybody that has Google Wave, could you please send me an invite? In case you haven't seen this.
Morning everyone.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Everyday without you is like an eternity in hell.
A lot of people say that I look like a Miguel. Do I?
RT @igog_1: a pot head from North Cali RT @josefromthe925: White guy with dreads and a bob marley t-shirt = Pot Head (i don't smoke)
#aintnothinglike a true friend
White guy with dreads and a bob marley t-shirt = Pot Head
@cachettes checking on my español?
@cachettes que what?
Its cool as soon as Santos scored everyone at the bar screamed "gol!"
Hella fine ass waitresses at La Piñata
@igog_1 ;)
At La Piñata and watching the Santos vs. Morelia game.
La Pinata
La Pinata
@igog_1 like when people tweet stuff like "you dont have to pay for white teeth!" etc etc
I remember when I was in Tijuana, I walked past 5 strip clubs just to go to the grocery store. No joke
At home watching Independence Day.
Sometimes you wonder if half of the people on twitter are even real.
"Look up, I look up at night
Planets are moving at the speed of light "
Speed of Sound by @coldplay
@igog_1 lol at least you would have one buck.
@igog_1 if i had a dollar for every quince i went to i would be a millionaire.
@igog_1 are you at a quince?
@igog_1 haha it shows
@igog_1 and was it fun?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Lonely and tired. Words that describe me.
Just found out that i can fly. It helps when you're in traffic. You can just fly over the cars.
At home listening to Sweet Disposition by @thetempertrap
@igog_1 de nada ;)
@igog_1 thats so true and i accept it
@igog_1 how so?
The one thing that I fear the most is death. Because you know its going to happen to you. I've met him and he hates his job but has to do it
Wants to talk. Hit me up on @skype josefromthe925
Having some pupusas Holla!
RT @igog_1: awesome!!! RT @OMGFacts: Beetles taste like apples, wasps taste like pine nuts, and worms taste like fried bacon. #omgfacts
Getting ready to go to my God-brothers birthday party. Now playing: Sweet Disposition by @thetempertrap
Hit me up on @skype everyone. josefromthe925
Slowly trying to change the n word for ninja. Anyone want to help?
Whenever i watch football (soccer) I scream in a british accent.
Just woke up and in perfect timing cause the Manchester United game is on tv.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Someone once told me that i was a businessman and they meant it.
Can somebody talk to me please?
Hella bored, lets talk.
How's everyone on this friday night? Now playing: The Scientist by @coldplay
Forget that motto. Now playing: Band on the Run by @PaulMcCartney & Wings
Our motto could be "We play yesterdays and today's hits!" Wow what a fucking cliché.
Now playing: Vertigo by U2, love this song!
Day 3 or wait..... Maybe it was 4 well who cares today I'm watching some more power rangers Holla!
Follow Friday @bnthradio @imanacobian @igog_1 @cachettes @shen_nanigans @channel923 @megatanner @war1057 @tttstl @ravels @whitemenace

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Watching 30 Rock and am i the only one that thinks that Tina Fey (only with the glasses) is sexy?
Ancestral language
Ancestral language
What makes @georgelopez a great late night host is that he is a great comedian before he had the show.
Day 3 of watching Power Rangers. (when will it stop? I have no clue.)
#nottosayonfirstdate "are they real?"
Hella bored, talk to me people.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Watching Free Radio my favorite show ever!
"To err is human; to forgive, divine."
Alexander Pope
Will be working days & nites just so that @bnthradio can be successful. 43 days for it to start!
Here is something that guys my age will enjoy and if they say they don't they are fucking liars!
Day 2 of watching power rangers.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

@bnthradio project: Send me a list of your top ten favorite songs and we will play them throughout the day. I promise.
#theresway2many reality shows on housewives. Who fucking cares!?
At the age of four i always thought that the pink power ranger was hot.
Will be spending the next couple of hours watching some old ass power rangers episodes. Yes the dork inside me has taken over.
Once @bnthradio starts i can finally start being productive again...
#TheresWay2Many douchebags at school.

Monday, November 16, 2009

If to love you is a sin, then I want to be a sinner.
You have a time machine and a bullet and a gun. You can kill anyone that ever existed. Who would it be?
#MusicMonday She loves you by @thebeatles one of my personal favorites.
Who was your favorite Beatle? Paul, John, Ringo or George?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Everyone follow @imanacobian shes my sister!
I am loving this ipod touch @iamanacobian is a smart girl
Everyone follow @iamanacobian
RT @WHITEMENACE: I think Jesus himself bakes the cheese biscuits at Red Lobster. (I think so too)
These signs have always made me laugh.
These signs have always made me laugh.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

My favorite roach coach in Oakland
My favorite roach coach in Oakland
Multimedia message
Multimedia message
Headed to SF
#youknowurahoeif your knees are always broken.
Needs a Google Wave invite! Can anyone help me out?!
At home making some delicious beans.

Friday, November 13, 2009

"I say high, you say low
You say why, and I say I don't know
Oh, no " via @thebeatles
RT @alicam "The reason I talk to myself is that I'm the only one whose answers I accept." - George Carlin
Having your voice be heard by thousands of people is a blessing right?
@bnthradio get ready for me to blast that name for a long time.
Listening to Passion Pit on @channel923
Eating some burgers, listening to @channel923 and watching ghost adventures. It's a good Friday.
Follow Friday @bnthradio @war1057 @channel923 @itshudabitch @cachettes @igog_1 @shen_nanigans @megatanner @elikalove @taliahowland

Thursday, November 12, 2009

My sister just walked in saying "you know why i love Burger King? It's because of their ice" I personally love their burgers to be honest.
Whenever I read, the voice of Morgan Freeman narrates for me. Is that weird?
#CarriePrejeanisabitch enough said

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

You know that you're Mexican when even your dog loves tortillas!
Just found out that I'll be going to So-Cal on Thanksgiving week holla! Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter friends hit me up if you wanna hang!
@megatanner + @channel923 = WIN
Was just listening to Swallowed by Bush on @channel923. First of all, Swallowed and second Bush. I listen to @war1057 too much.
At home watching @espnews and listening to @channel923
Happy Veterans day! Thanks to all who have served this country and those who are serving now.
I'm up, now its @sportscenter time!
Caffeine can only go so far. I think it's time to get some sleep. Night!
You know that you're Mexican when the first thing that you see in your refrigerator are some tortillas. Just sayin'

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Aww, Letterman you are a fucking genius...
Had a cup of coffee and now I'm ready to go do nothing except watch all of the late nite shows.
Bored watching the news. Let's talk.
I just got this random text message that has made my day. "tell kevin that theres hashbrowns deathbenotproud" I almost pissed in my pants.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Note to self: Never date any chick that was on For the love of Ray J.(cause i don't want any STDS)
Listening to the @war1057 podcast and watching @sportscenter.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

I'm hiring people who can draw really good. Send me a message if you are interested.
<---- click the link to watch our live broadcast!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

RT @cachettes: CBS IS FUCKING GOOD FOR SOMETHING! LET THE FIGHTS BEGIN! (haha mega-getting that!)

Friday, November 6, 2009

#UnFollowMe if you don't like it when people say whats on their mind. and if you can't handle a joke.
"Those who are dead are not dead
They're just living in my head" via @coldplay from the song 42
About to go to the dentist again. :(

Thursday, November 5, 2009

about to broadcast right now, here's the link
(I'm cooking breakfast)
Listening to @war1057 right now. Still on my Yankees hangover from last night.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Yankees are the World Series Champs for the 27th time!
RT @war1057: See ya Philthadelphia! Thanks for stopping by! (Amen Woody)
@cachettes its killing you huh?
@cachettes i said lets go yankees!
Random thought. If there is a god, is he gay?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Note to self. Everyone on Vh1 is a douche-bag.
I'm starting to feel pain again, time to pop another vidodin!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

About to ride @SFBART right now

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Today for Halloween i decided to be a patient who recently had a surgery. Good idea huh?

R.I.P. Abuelito Pino

Friday, October 30, 2009

R.I.P Abuelito Pino
Vicodin sweet vicodin, I love how you make me feel nothing....
Just when I thought that things couldn't get worse. They do.
My surgery is over. Everything went perfectly, but I can't feel my face, but at least I have hella pain killers to make things better o_0

Thursday, October 29, 2009

My surgery is tomorrow. I hope everything goes well.
RT taliahowland: @josefromthe925 haha yes u did! ur pretty much ALWAYS right... lmao (thanks, "a fruck you dorphin! And a fruck you whare!")
RT @taliahowland: caught up on online tv for today! cartman singing poker face was...... hilarious! haha (i told you)
RT @war1057: Smells like Berkley....I must have made it to the Bay Area.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

She was always a mysterious girl...
Question of the night: What defines a slut? Could it be how they dress or how the speak? Or the other slutty things that they do?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Playing the piano calms me... Especially playing some @coldplay, that makes things better.
Holy shit its basketball season. Holla! #NBA
Hmm wonder who that bitch is?
Hmm wonder who that bitch is?
At the bank doing some business.

Monday, October 26, 2009

About to log off, hit me up on the cell. Don't have the number? Send me a message.
Hanging with my sis, listening to some old @thewoodyshow podcasts
Now playing on itunes: Yes by @coldplay
At home listening to the @war1057 podcast.
Can't sleep right now. Too much on my mind. I wish things were better.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Its been an exciting day in the world of sports.... Phew...(deep breath in) Let's talk.
The Yankees are going to the World Series!
Random Question of the day: What is the best smelling store? My answer would have to be Papa Murphys it smells so good everytime I go there.
A punto de ver El Superclasico. Vamos @Chivas!
It's a great day for football, Manchester United play Liverpool, Boca Juniors play River Plate and @Chivas play America in el Superclasico
Watching the Manchester United vs. Liverpool game right now. #football

Saturday, October 24, 2009

I think i'm in walnut creek...
Question for all of my friends. Is Paranormal Activity Good? If not tell me what was wrong about it.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Teaching my sis how to play Clocks by @coldplay on the keyboard
Follow Friday: @bnthradio @war1057 @whitemenace @taliahowland @jaylatt @ravels @tttstl @thewoodyshow @rizz1057 @cachettes @glorymanunited
Maybe my last status confused people. They use the picture of themselves as their fucking wallpaper. Why? Can't they look in a mirror?
Something that annoys me to my core: People who have pictures of them on their cell phones! I hope they die. Can i get a amen?
Easy Mac is the shit.
How many of my UK tweeps are going to the NFL game on Sunday?

Thursday, October 22, 2009 Damn you @war1057 this video made me laugh so much.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

RT @espn: Phillies dump Dodgers for World Series return -
On AIM right now, lets talk josefromthe925
Valencia is a beast! United 1 CSKA 0 #football
Getting ready for the CSKA Moscow vs. Manchester United match. It's gonna be good. #football

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Do you guys have any questions for me? I'll answer them as soon as possible. Good night everyone.
RT @espn: A-Rod, CC shine again as Yanks take 3-1 lead -
logging off.
damn all of this anti god hate is trending on twitter #atheism
Now this is a good one, No god, Know Peace. (via @wright_williams)
There is no god. We are the ones that control what happens in this world. We can't rely on some fake story. We must make the world better.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Now for my next question. Who or what inspires you?
RT @espn: Phils rally past Dodgers in 9th to take 3-1 lead -
FIFA 10 is coming out tomorrow! Can I get a holla!
What song inspires you?

Sunday, October 18, 2009

"Two star-crossed lovers" that describes them. I am only a witness, as their friend i cannot interfere. I wish i could help them out........
They still talk to this day. One is dying for the other. But drama follows them and their friends... Why? I don't know. That's life.
Two people separated, acting as if they don't care about the other. But everyone knows that they love each other. They just don't know it.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

I'm so happy that the Yankees beat the angels.
A movie that any man can enjoy: Lethal Weapon.
RT @CNN: Justice won't apologize, says "haven't done wrong" for refusing to marry interracial couple
That sucks @Ravels

Friday, October 16, 2009

Shitty movie of the year: The Vampires Assistant. Enough said.
Listening to @coldplay #beatcancer
Tetris will be the death of me...
I've been playing a lot of Tetris recently. Is that a problem?
Follow Friday @bnthradio please support them!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

RT @WHITEMENACE: Talkin' about the holidays with my lady. Makes me miss my old radio fam get togethers :0(
Logging off bitches!
yo balloon boy, Imma let you finish, but Anne Frank had the best attic hideout spot of all time. (via @zombielolita)
RT @tttstl: Note to Self... Keep Dean away from my home made hot air balloon. (good note tony)
Good morning everybody.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Now that the qualifiers are over, I cannot wait for the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa! Viva Mexico cabrones!
@cachettes so he was a total douchebag? Oh yeah, i remember when you won. Was the trip fun?
@cachettes have you met him?
@cachettes well arent you happy about it?
RT: @thewoodyshow: THIS JUST IN: Dave "the show killer" Numme is OUT at Live 105.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Got a AIM, Windows Live or Skype account? Add me as a contact josefromthe925
NCIS: Los Angeles may be my new favorite show.
RT: @CCTimes: Quake shakes East Bay
funny picture pass it around
Now that i got the hate out... Whats good people?
Now playing Strawberry Swing by @coldplay
Here I go, I hate anything on TLC, example Jon & Kate + 8 WHO FUCKING CARES! another example that bitch who has 18 kids! She should die too.
What I'm about to say may offend people. But then again I really don't care what people think.
It smells like bacon around my house. I like daht!
Holla @bobsaget is coming to San Francisco!
A cup of coffee is perfect for this weather...
RT: @KCBSNews: Flood Advisory in Effect for Bay Area Creeks, Streams

Monday, October 12, 2009

RT: @KCBSNews: First Storm of Season Bearing Down
The DVR has to be the greatest invention in the world. No doubt about it.
#musicmonday Clocks by @coldplay
Whats up everybody?

Sunday, October 11, 2009

@taliahowland pillow fight?
I'm watching The Amazing Race and they have the Harlem Globetrotters actually racing. WTF
RT: @espn: Yankees make quick work of Twins in ALDS -
I'm looking for associates in Southern California. Anyone interested?
Anybody have old webcams that they don't use? I'll buy them from you.
Starting a new business takes a lot of time.... and money.
What's up everyone, hows your weekend going?

Saturday, October 10, 2009

@chivas de nada!
RT: @chivas: !Extraordinario dia! !Mexico obtiene su pase al mundial y Chivas logra un importante triunfo de visitante!
@chivas y Mexico ganan hoy, que dia para el futbol!
Mexico va al mundial!
Nos vamos al mundial! #Mexico
Goooool de Mexico! Vela lo anoto! 4-1 para el Tri! #Mexico
Gooooooooool de Mexico! Paco Palencia metio el golazo! 3-0 para el Tri! #Mexico Ya nos vamos al mundial!
Gooooooool de Mexico! Blanco el anotador! 2-0 para el Tri! #Mexico
Llego el medio tiempo, Mexico esta ganando a El Salvador por un gol a cero.
Goooooooool de Mexico!
Estoy listo para el partido de Mexico y El Salvador! Vamanos Mexico hay que ganar! #Mexico #futbol

Friday, October 9, 2009

Mark Teixeira is a beast! #Yankees
Lets go #yankees!
RT: @chivas: @josefromthe925 Hola Jose. !Gracias por el RT! !Buen fin de semana! (de nada, usted tambien!)
RT: @chivas: !Que pasen buen fin de semana! !Que gane Mexico y que gane el equipo mas mexicano! !CHIVAS! !Disfruten los partidos!
Watching Jeff Dunham: Spark of Insanity. He is hella funny.
RT: @Ravels: My 6-year-old Nephew and all of his friends are totally obsessed with all things Star Wars. This makes me happy.
I'm eleven followers away from 1000!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Always do what you wanna do. Otherwise you'll regret not doing it. I still do...
RT: @CNN: Worth a watch: Was Ted Williams' frozen head abused?
RT: @CNN: Tear gas hits CNN crew. Watch the video here:
RT: @CNN: "Whatever" and "you know" top list of most annoying words and phrases. Absolutely!
Watching The Office right now. Thank god its one hour long.
our latest creation! If commercials were real Twix heres the link
just finished making a video, now its time to upload
this is Jose's sister, wassup homes?! btw, he just punched me, that's child abuse, hate on him! :]
Today someone asked me if i spoke Spanish. Really? My name is Jose.
can't wait till i get paid

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

looking at some microphones and headphones for bnthradio
some people say i work too much (that's a damn lie)
1st off no homo but this game is addicting thanks @war1057 for the link
Watching the season premiere of South Park, its hella funny
RT: @CCTimes: Five hurt in Highway 4 crash this afternoon #Antioch
@cachettes i hope they do, i hate the angels
@cachettes remove that extra gonna
@cachettes thats cool. So are gonna the sox gonna win it this year?
@cachettes so whats new with you?
@cachettes thank god
@cachettes hmm i don't wanna say.... yeah i guess
@cachettes hmm i don't wanna say
My mom is starting a facebook page. I think hell has frozen over.
Logging off adios
good morning everybody

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

angels keep falling...

Monday, October 5, 2009

I bid you good night. Hopefully you listened to what I said tonight.
...But life shouldn't be negative. Alway keep a smile on your face, even in your darkest hour. Because things will get better. Trust me.
If you always get everything you want, then why live at all? You'll eventually be dissapointed and let down. Why? Because life is a bitch.
How happy are you? Do you think that it will last? You try to make things "work" but in the end it never does and you end up being miserable
RT: @war1057: @megatanner Congrats to DJ Tanner on his new gig at @channel923.
Watching The Daily Show right now
I love me some grape soda (and that's no lie)
RT: @CCTimes: Antioch, South San Francisco runners die in San Jose half-marathon Sunday